Data Structures and Algorithms

Exercises: Tree Data Structures

Feb 262018

Before attempting these exercises, you should read the posts about trees, ways to think about trees, and tree data structures.


  1. The following Python code represents a tree as a list-of-lists.
    tree = [
        ['b', 'c', ['d', 'e']],
        ['g', 'h']
    1. Draw a node/link diagram for the tree.
    2. Find tree[1], tree[1][2] and tree[1][2][0].
    3. Write code to access the node with the value 'h'.
    4. Draw a second node/link diagram showing the state of the tree after tree[3].append(['i', 'j', 'k']) is executed.
  2. The following Python code declares the Node class, and constructs a tree using the list-of-children data structure.
    class Node:
        def __init__(self, value, children=None):
            self.value = value
            self.children = children
        def __repr__(self):
            if self.children:
                fmt = 'Node({!r}, {!r})'
                fmt = 'Node({!r})'
            return fmt.format(self.value, self.children)
    root = Node('a', [
        Node('b', [
        Node('e', [
    1. Draw a node/link diagram for the tree.
    2. Find root.children[0] and root.children[0].value.
    3. Write code to access the node with value 'g'.
    4. Draw a second node/link diagram showing the state of the tree after root.children.append(Node('h')) is executed.
  3. The following Python code declares the PPNode class, and constructs a tree using the parent pointer tree data structure.
    class PPNode:
        def __init__(self, parent, value):
            self.parent = parent
            self.value = value
        def __repr__(self):
            fmt = 'PPNode({!r}, {!r})'
            return fmt.format(self.parent, self.value)
    a = PPNode(None, 'a')
    b = PPNode(a, 'b')
    c = PPNode(a, 'c')
    d = PPNode(b, 'd')
    e = PPNode(b, 'e')
    f = PPNode(c, 'f')
    g = PPNode(c, 'g')
    h = PPNode(f, 'h')
    nodes = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
    1. Draw a node/link diagram for the tree.
    2. Find f.parent.value and f.parent.parent.value.
    3. Draw a box-and-pointer diagram for the tree. Include only the PPNode objects in your diagram; you do not need to show the variables or the nodes list.
  4. Consider the following tree, given as a node/link diagram:

    1. Represent this tree using the list-of-children data structure, with the Node class.
    2. Use the PPNode class to represent it as a parent pointer tree.

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