Data Structures and Algorithms

Choose the Right Data Types

Apr 302018

One of the most important and overlooked parts of designing algorithms is choosing the right data types. We often assume that the types of data an algorithm will use are determined by the inputs and the output — but it might help to use a temporary collection of some data, if that collection has useful operations. Those operations are determined by the collection’s type.

In this post we’ll look at a couple of examples where using the right data types makes the problem simpler.

Recursive Sorting

Apr 162018

In the previous post we saw two iterative sorting algorithms: selection sort and insertion sort both work using a loop to put the right values in the right places, one at a time. They are two of the simplest sorting algorithms. But they’re not very efficient — for long lists, they’re too slow.(1)

In this post we’ll see one of the simplest efficient sorting algorithms, called merge sort. Rather than sorting items one-by-one, it works by recursively sorting shorter lists.

Iterative Sorting

Apr 162018

Before writing an algorithm, it’s always worth thinking about how you would solve the same problem “by hand”. After all, you can’t write instructions for how to do something if you don’t know how to do it yourself.

The problem we’re currently interested in is sorting — given a list, put its values in order. There are hundreds of algorithms which solve this problem, but ultimately every sorting algorithm does one of two things:


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